
We are interested in anything that might lead us to waste some more time!

please feel free to contact us with comments and material that excites you at



12 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour toutes ces images, ces idées, ces échanges … J’aimerais vous montrer ce que je fais en photo …)))


  2. peace from germany too…. i am happy to find other time wasters. better wasting time than wasting resources!
    thanx for your efforts. wonderful site, says the german female artist. let art change the world and our head.


  3. Pingback: miko
  4. I’ve just started on my blog @ wordpress and found yours by accident while searching for art on google. I absolutely love your website! It’s really inspiring and helping me a lot with my work. I’d like to see more on the furniture and architecture categories, preferably Japanese inspired for the architecture section.
    Great job and keep it going!


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