on female genital mutilation

Performance of Swedish artist Makode Linde at World art day 15 april 2012 at Moderna Museet, Stockholm.
Makode presented himself as an anatomical nude female red velvet cake and invited Sweden’s Minister of Culture to give him/her a symbolic cliteridectomy by cutting the genital slice first, while moaning and screaming. Then he ate the cake.
Swedish Culture Minister Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth denies doing anything wrong, according to the Guardian, but admits that Mr. Linde’s artistic statement about female genital mutilation in Africa may have been confusing.
More on the story here and here.


This is the trailer for the 40 minute experimental horror film DECAMPMENT, written, scored and directed in 2008 by Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller, also known as the electro band ADULT. from Detroit.

Their second film TRADITIONS was premiered on May 2010 in Toronto. DECAMPMENT and TRADITIONS are both silent: the soundtrack is performed live by the band during the screening.

Nicola’s (fashion based) photography projects, as well as the electronic sounds she composes with her husband/bandmate Adam, are heavily influenced by the seventies and eighties Italian horror films. More pics here.