
The new “bio-light” concept by Dutch electronics company Philips , designed as part of their Microbial Home (MH) system, creates light in the same way that bioluminescent living organisms like fireflies and glow worms do. In the bio-light a collection of hand-blown jars — held in place by a steel frame — contain a measure of bioluminescent bacteria which glow green when fed methane gas — in this case through individual silicon tubes routed through a household waste digester. Although the light isn’t bright enough to fully replace conventional lighting, harnessing these biological techniques could help redefine how we consume energy in the home, says Philips.

via proof  +  cnn + gizmag

The Microbial Home

The Microbial Home by Philips Design Probes program, is an “integrated cyclical ecosystem” that consists of a methane “digester” which converts bathroom waste solids and vegetable trimmings into methane gas which is then used to power a series of functions in the home.