Is that Swiss cheese I smell?

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Open Switzerland is a conceptual design project by BaseGVA in collaboration with SUMO interactive, where the initiative, comprising provocative, rethought, iconic Swiss imagery, an interactive website and a custom-made «neutral» typeface, launches a debate about what it means to challenge a country’s identity and, in doing so, its very reason for being.
Visit full gallery + make your own poster, here.

my vagina is awsome

“Matt is wearing a necklace made from menstrual blood ice cubes. I made the ice cubes from my menstrual blood.

I have a Mooncup (also called a Keeper). You should Google it, and get one, as they will save you heapo money & are excellent.

I took these photos because I thought it would be funny, and because I do not find stuff disgusting because it came out of my vagina. My vagina is awesome.”

Said and Done by Sarah, aka snaggle tooth.

WWT’s Fashion Tip: Not an ideal combination with your white linen shirt



Invoxicated is Karl-Johan Ekeroth’s graduation work for the Child Culture Design masters programme at the School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
It is an interactive play sculpture based on the concept of tin-cans-and-wire telephone, where children can experience the joy of playing with sound effects in the public space.

Found here. Link to video.