Luz nas Vielas

Participative Urban Art project in Vila Brâsilandia, one of the favelas in São Paulo w/the words in Portugese ‘Beauty’, ‘Love’, ‘Sweetness’, ‘Firmness’, and ‘Pride’, by Boa Mistura, a group of five Spanish artists, Arkoh, Derko, Pahg, Purone and Rdick.

via ignant


Foragers is a design proposal presented through models, photographic scenarios, videos and 3D texts. Curated by UK based studio Dunne & Raby in collaboration with photographer Jason Evans and writer Alex Burrett it explores the not-so-far-from-reality scenario of a planetary food shortage.  Stemming from specialised subgroups within our current culture – guerilla gardens, garage biologists, amateur biologists and more, the foragers system seeks to extract nutritional value from non-human foods by marrying synthetic biology with digestive devices inspired by mammals such as birds, fish and insects.

Custom devices , such as the ‘augmented digestive system’, the ‘grass processor’ and the ‘algae digester’ would use synthetic biology to create ‘microbial stomach bacteria’, along with electronic and mechanical equipment designed to maximise the nutritional value of vegetation or other material found in the urban environment. Enjoy the present!

augmented digestive system

algae digester

grass processor

via designboom